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So Many Things to Do at the Fort Worth Zoo! - A Great Opportunity for a Staycation

Don't squander your next family trip to the zoo!  

Here are some tips from our visit to the Fort Worth Zoo to make your next zoo trip a fun, memorable, and engaging experience for the entire family!

1. Enjoy time with family. 

This cannot be overstated.  Be present during family time.  You will have more fun and your family will sense your connection to them.

2. Play Name that Animal or What color is that Animal!  
Our toddler loves animals and the zoo is a great opportunity to test her memory of what she has seen in her favorite shows and books.  Parents of older children might have children collect information on the animals to create their own blog post! 

3. Get up close and personal.  

While I would want to let this tiger, this was a great chance for our daughter to see a large animal from a close distance.

4. Feed the birds... 

Inside the aviary,  it's okay to feed the birds.  These birds will fly right up to you or over you, much to the delight of our little one.

5. Challenge preconceived ideas.

Children expect to see penguins in cold climates, but seeing these penguins outside was a good way for our toddler to learn the concepts of similarities, differences, and exceptions.

6. See things from a different perspective.  

In this space, our toddler could look at organisms that live under water from below the water's surface.  While she knows what water is and she knows fish live in the water, she doesn't always get to see what they look like under water.

7. Experience Texas ecosystems.   

Since we live in North Texas, we want our daughter to know that her home state contains many different ecosystems and associated wildlife and plants. 

8. Engage in hands-on, interactive learning.

The Fort Worth Zoo offers the Texas Nature Traders program, allowing children to continue the learning experience outside the zoo and bring evidence of their learning back to the zoo to trade for other items.

9. Take a train ride.

We chose to ride the Yellow Rose Express.  This train ride takes visitors around the park but also features a horse, cow, and historical artifacts along the way.  It's also nice to sit down for a while.  Tip: take the train from Texas Wild to the front of the park after a complete day at the zoo to rest up before walking to your car.

See you on our next weekend adventure! 

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