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Thanksgiving on the Granbury Square! - Paradise Bistro

This Thanksgiving we decided to have lunch on the Granbury Square at Paradise Bistro.  If you have never experienced the Granbury Square, the holidays are a great time to visit!

Paradise Bistro was open for Thanksgiving and offered a tasty Thanksgiving plate that was just the right amount of food so that we didn't overeat.

If you need to watch your portion sizes or are trying to stick to a healthy diet, eating out for holiday meals is a great strategy.

As you can see, this Thanksgiving feast included sliced turkey, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and green beans.  Yummy!

For dessert, each family member could choose between pecan pie, pumpkin pie,  and apple crumble pie.

The little one got to have just a few bites of pie!

Hope we'll see you the next time we're on the Granbury Square!

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