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5 Simple Ways for Families to Plan for a "Day at Sea" on Carnival Cruise Lines

Before your cruise, bring a HIGHLIGHTER and colored pen to make your planning MUCH easier!

Last summer, we were fortunate to take a few days away from Texas to travel on a short (four-day) Carnival Cruise. We traveled by ourselves (just my husband, baby girl, and I) to Cozumel, Mexico out of Galveston, TX. When planning for our cruise, we were most concerned about the "day at sea". This was day that we would not have land excursions and we would be confined to the ship with our little one.

Boy were we wrong, it was such a fun day! We dined at the formal dining room during the morning and at dinner. We walked around the ship several times and we did not take her to the childcare section on ship except for a short tour (to plan our seven-day cruise for next time).

Each night, the next day's schedule is carefully inserted underneath the door and we would arrive back to our room SUPER excited to plan our next day!

5 Simple Ways to Plan for a "Day at Sea" on Carnival

1 - Look at the schedule each night to plan your next day on the cruise.

2 - Decide whether you will dine EARLY or LATE.

3 - If you want couple time, make sure you plan a visit to the children's area.

4 - Remember to use a highlighter to highlight the events you would like to attend.

5 - Make sure your entire family knows about the game plan for the next day and pack your day pack and dress accordingly!

We hope you can use these to help you plan a future cruise!



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